Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Purpose of This Blog

Hello and welcome to this new blog. You may be wondering what this whole thing is all about. Besides the catchy name anyways. Well, a bit of a background on myself, your humble blog host. My name is Michael Regina. I'm married. I have my first baby on the way. I am a Christian and I believe in a rather conservative view of Christianity. I believe in one true religion, that being Christianity. I believe in predestination, traditionally you would say I'm a Calvinist. Though I am not a hyper Calvinist. I have a belief in the Bible as being infallible in its original form. Point being, I am a pretty conservative guy in my religious views. Then there's this one thing... I believe in the paranormal. Aliens, ghosts, ancient sea creatures, alternate dimensions, time travel... The whole bit.

That's why this blog exists. This blog serves as a voice for that world view on these subjects. The reason I feel this is important is because, as a believer in these subjects, I find that in almost all ways we discount or neglect the simultaneous nature that both a Christian world view and a grasp of the paranormal can have together.

Why can't a belief in aliens co-exist alongside the Christian God? Why can't a Christian believe in ghosts without it automatically being a demon or some other evil spirit? Why are aliens always seen as demons/angels by Christians and angels seen as aliens by non-Christians? So long story short I am here to present a blended view, as well as bring forward commentary and important news regarding these topics. In general I hope to show people, both believers and non, a perspective that includes all ranges of topics into its system without the two ever having to reject one another. That's a difficult task.

A final note would be that this blog is my opinion and working within my own personal world view. I don't expect everyone to agree on the subjects contained within, or even on the particulars of my own faith construct. I know I don't agree with a lot of other important figures within the paranormal field and the religious community. So if you find this blog to be one thing or the other to you, please put it in that context. I do hope however that everyone can glean from my research a different perspective that has weight and meaning to it.